Monday, February 2, 2009

My father passed away suddenly last month. I flew across the country to be there with my family. After a few intense and draining days, we had the funeral, the wake and were worn out from all the events.

I watched my mother, the day after the funeral wrap her cold, tired hands around a warm bowl of stew; which had been lovingly prepared by one of her friends. She relaxed, sighed and say "this is love in a bowl." Love in a bowl.

I could see the love and gratitude fill my mother up in that moment. I witnessed that food in that moment felt of love, it comforted her and gave her strength. Upon reflection, and after some ribbing by my sister-in-law who later joked to me, "Erin, back to the books!" I realized that food was one of the many forms of love we experienced over the last week of mourning.

Long talks, hugs, kind acts, prayer, giving, people traveling to be there, sharing; love was around us in many forms. The love we received in the form of food was absolutely divine and it was only a portion of how we received love from others.

If the only form of love we received had been in the form of food we would have eaten but would never have been filled up.

How much of the love in your life comes from food? How much comes from sharing with others, talking, giving, gratitude?

If a significant amount of love in your life comes from food you may want to examine your life. You may want to look for other ways to fill up. Love is all around you, you just need to look for it.